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信息来源   时间: 2014-09-17  浏览次数:339

    罗伊贸易公司的原木产地和木材加工厂便座落于爱和华州和宾西法尼亚州。我们每年出口数以百计货柜的原木到中国等亚洲国家。罗伊贸易公司所供应的硬木原木和板材符合美国硬木协会(National Hardwood Lumber Association – NHLA)  的等级评定标准。
    ·美国黑胡桃木/ Black Walnut 原木和板材
    ·美国红橡木/ Red Oak 原木和板材
    ·美国白橡木/ White Oak 原木和板材
    ·美国樱桃木/ Cherry 原木和板材
    ·美国硬枫木/ Hard Maple 原木和板材
    ·美国软枫木/ Soft Maple 原木和板材
    ·美国水曲柳/Ash 原木和板材
    ·美国美国椴木?ǘ煺崎保?/ Basswood 原木和板材
    ·美国美国山毛榉/ Beech ?竞桶宀?
    ·美国美国桦木/ Yellow Birch 原木和板材
    ·美国黄杨木/ Yellow Poplar 原木和板材
    ·美国芳香红香杉/ Aromatic Red Cedar 原木和板材
    原木:刨切级和锯切级; 0,1,2,3,4面清。长8’英尺以上。
    板材:厚 3/4,4/4,5/4,6/4,8/4,10/4。 长3’- 7’英尺以上。
    >>> 北美木材尺寸说明
    American Lumber Size Definitions
    1英寸(inch)= 25.4毫米( mm)
    1毫米(mm)= 0.0394英寸(inch)
    1英尺(feet)= 12 英寸(inch)
    >>> 北美木材相关定义
    American Lumber Related Definitions
    These are units of measure for the thickness of unsurfaced lumber (rough).
    Board Foot (bf)
    This is a unit of measure one foot long, one foot wide, and one inch thick or its equivalent. In surfaced lumber, the board foot is taken from the lumber before surfacing.
    板尺:是北美板材的体积单位。相当于1英尺长,1英尺宽,1英寸厚的板材的体积。打磨好的板材体积按打磨以前的体积计算。1MBF(千板尺) 是1000个Board Foot (板尺)的意思。通常情况下,对板材来讲:1MBF= 2.36 M3, 即1千板尺= 2.36立方米。
    This is the process of taking moisture out of boards, the process of which affects stability. Kiln dried lumber is nominal 7% to 9% moisture content.
    This is the lumber before the removal of moisture.
    Random Widths and Lengths(RW,RL)
    This refers to the variation in widths, always measured in inches, and in lengths, always measured in feet. When a minimum width and length is ordered all lumber shipped will be minimum or wider, minimum or longer.
    This is unsurfaced lumber.
    This is lumber that is planed or surfaced on two sides.
    This is lumber that is planed or surfaced on four sides.
    These are lengths or widths that are specifically requested. (Example: 6" wide boards or 6’ long boards.)
    符合美国硬木协会要求的板材等级:特级 (一般宽6”英寸以上,长6英尺以上)
    1 Common Grade of Lumber - Grades at least 66.66% clear in cuttings 3" wide by 3’ long or 4" wide by 4’ long minimum. Minimum 3" wide by 4’ long.
    2 Common Grade of Lumber - Grades at least 50% clear in cuttings 3" wide by 3’ long. Minimum 3" wide by 4’ long.